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Tag: Spain government

Spain broadens use of AstraZeneca jab to adults under age 65

MADRID — Spain’s health minister says the country will resume the use of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Wednesday by extending it to adults...

Spain broadens use of AstraZeneca jab to adults under age 65

<p>MADRID &mdash; Spain’s health minister says the country will resume the use of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Wednesday by extending it to adults...

Spanish government rejects idea of having fans in Copa final

MADRID — Spain's top health official on Wednesday rejected the idea of having fans back in the stands for the Copa del Rey final...

Spain passes euthanasia law despite conservative opposition

MADRID — Lawmakers voted Thursday to make Spain the seventh country in the world and the fourth in Europe to allow physician-assisted suicide and...

Spanish government rejects idea of having fans in Copa final

<p>MADRID &mdash; Spain's top health official on Wednesday rejected the idea of having fans back in the stands for the Copa del Rey final...

Head of junior party in Spanish coalition gov’t stands down

MADRID — The leader of the junior party in Spain’s coalition government announced Monday he is leaving the Cabinet to run for regional office. ...

Gig economy shifts: Spain delivery riders are now employees

MADRID — The Spanish government on Thursday announced legislation that classifies food delivery riders as employees of the digital platforms they work for, not...

EU lawmakers to vote on fate of former Catalan president

BRUSSELS — The European Parliament is voting Monday on whether to lift the immunity of the former president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont,...

EU lawmakers to vote on fate of former Catalan president

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; The European Parliament is voting Monday on whether to lift the immunity of the former president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont,...

Dozens of migrants scale fences into Spain’s Melilla enclave

MADRID — Dozens of migrants scaled a double fence and entered the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco early Monday, authorities said. ...