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NC State players confused, angry over their removal from CWS

OMAHA, Neb. — North Carolina State baseball players who were one win away from playing for a national championship reacted with anger and confusion...

UEFA praises VAR for rise in penalties given at Euro 2020

GENEVA — Expect referees to keep awarding lots of penalties at major soccer tournaments in the VAR era. ...

New Mexico lawmakers turn attention to horse racing

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Legislative analysts say New Mexico horse racing regulators have more to do if they want to further reduce the number of...

Refs facing new pressure to keep count on Giannis at FT line

Giannis Antetokounmpo's lengthy free-throw routine might be too long to be legal. ...

Expert: Transgender Olympic athlete could polarize opinion

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A U.S. expert on transgender rights and politics says the participation of New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard at the Tokyo...

EU leaders defend LGBT rights amid concern over Hungary law

BRUSSELS — Several European Union leaders insisted Thursday that discrimination must not be tolerated in the 27-nation bloc, setting the scene for a heated...

Investigation alleges doping corruption in weightlifting

GENEVA — A culture of alleged corruption among international weightlifting officials was detailed Thursday in an investigative report of covered-up doping cases. ...

NCAA moving toward hyperlocal solution to NIL as placeholder

The NCAA is lurching toward a temporary, patchwork solution in addressing name, image and likeness compensation for athletes, a hyperlocal approach to allow everyone...

Tokyo shapes up to be No-Fun Olympics with many rules, tests

TOKYO — The Tokyo Olympics, already delayed by the pandemic, are not looking like much fun: Not for athletes. Not for fans. And not...

Hungary’s PM uses soccer to push vision of right-wing Europe

BUDAPEST, Hungary — Populist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long used soccer to advance his right-wing politics, and now widespread international criticism of...