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Local hospitals welcome first babies of the new year


A southside mother claimed the honor of being the first to give birth in 2024 at Community Hospital South.

Support groups for suicide loss survivors launching in Johnson County


She simply needed someone who understood.

Greenwood musical theater to remain in existing space


The music had gone quiet and the lights were off.

Red Carpet Inn under new ownership; clearing out begins for demolition


It’s the beginning of the end for a former Greenwood hotel.

Chickens, weather, growth, violence ruled 2023 Johnson County headlines


As Johnson County and Franklin turned 200 in 2023, mother nature wrecked havoc, long-term goals were realized, new plans were hatched and tragedies struck.

Food pantries seeing record numbers of people in need


Leaders at Gleaners Food Bank were confident they had planned adequately to feed hungry clients.

Franklin teen uses talents to aid grieving mothers


Surrounded by overwhelming grief and sadness, even the smallest comfort can make a difference.

Progress report: A look inside The Madison and Greenwood’s first parking garage


An $83-million project in the heart of Old Town Greenwood is now just months from completion.

Good Cheer Fund gives a hand up for the holidays


Hundreds of Johnson County residents received an early Christmas gift on Saturday morning, while dozens of volunteers gathered to deliver that good cheer.

Ronald McDonald House offers local families comfort during difficult times


Being separated was the hardest part.