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Tag: Supreme Court of the United States

AP-NORC poll: Most say restrict abortion after 1st trimester

NEW YORK — A solid majority of Americans believe most abortions should be legal in the first three months of a woman’s pregnancy, but...

High court sides with Alaska Natives in coronavirus aid case

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Friday that hundreds of millions of dollars in coronavirus relief money tied up in court should benefit Alaska...

High court expands eligibility for Clean Air Act exemption

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday said an expanded number of small refineries can seek an exemption from certain renewable fuel requirements. ...

Discord over whether to halt South Carolina abortion case

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The parties involved in a lawsuit over South Carolina’s new ban on almost all abortions disagree about how the case should...

Supreme Court: Mortgage overseer structure unconstitutional

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the structure of the agency that oversees mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac violates...

High court limits when police can enter home without warrant

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday put limits on when police officers pursuing a fleeing suspect can enter a home without a warrant. ...

High court backs businesses challenging California labor law

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday sided with California agriculture businesses in their challenge to a state regulation that gives unions access to...

High court declines to hear Indiana vote-by-mail limits case

INDIANAPOLIS — The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a case challenging Indiana’s vote-by-mail restrictions, a rebuff that means a federal court will...

High court: Congress erred in patent dispute board setup

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Congress erred when it set up a board to oversee patent disputes by failing to...

GOP needs new health care target; ‘Obamacare’ survives again

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court's latest rejection of a Republican effort to dismantle “Obamacare” signals anew that the GOP must look beyond repealing...