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Tag: Transportation and shipping

Flight 93 families hope heroism award helps keep story alive

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Serene, stark and seemingly in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, the National Park Service memorial to the people who died...

McConnell poised for starring role in voting bill fight

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is so determined to stop a sweeping elections overhaul pushed by congressional Democrats that he will...

French admiral: Air power helps root out ‘underground’ IS

LIMASSOL, Cyprus — The Islamic State group is using stealth to regenerate its forces by developing its military capabilities underground, and France is deploying...

FAA seeks fines against more misbehaving airline passengers

Federal officials said Monday they are pursuing civil penalties against two more passengers for interfering with airline crews, the latest in a surge of...

Man shot to death at Vancouver’s airport in gang incident

<p>RICHMOND, British Columbia &mdash; A man was shot to death at the Vancouver International Airport in what authorities said appeared to be a gang-related...

Untroubled waters: Bridge transported along Rotterdam river

<p>THE HAGUE, Netherlands &mdash; A 200-meter (656-foot)-long bridge took a slow cruise through the heart of Rotterdam in the early hours of Monday morning,...

Flight 93 families hope heroism award helps keep story alive

<p>HARRISBURG, Pa. &mdash; Serene, stark and seemingly in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, the National Park Service memorial to the people who died...

McConnell poised for starring role in voting bill fight

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is so determined to stop a <a href="https://apnews.com/article/house-passes-sweeping-voting-rights-bill-88088175552f13a8e3f6f25d7bc45f6c">sweeping elections overhaul </a> pushed by congressional Democrats that he...

French admiral: Air power helps root out ‘underground’ IS

<p>LIMASSOL, Cyprus &mdash; The Islamic State group is using stealth to regenerate its forces by developing its military capabilities underground, and France is deploying...

FAA seeks fines against more misbehaving airline passengers

<p>Federal officials said Monday they are pursuing civil penalties against two more passengers for interfering with airline crews, the latest in a surge of...