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Tag: U.S. Democratic Party

Minnesota lawmakers pass modest police accountability bill

MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Senate approved a modest set of police accountability measures early Wednesday that's part of a broader public safety budget bill,...

Giuliani backs Republican challenger to Georgia governor

ATLANTA — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is endorsing a Democrat-turned-Republican who's challenging Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in the state's 2022 Republican primary. ...

Minnesota Legislature grapples with police accountability

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota House was preparing to debate police accountability as part of a broader public safety budget bill that the...

Biden taking bipartisan infrastructure deal on the road

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will look to sell voters on the economic benefits of the $973 billion infrastructure package while in Wisconsin on...

Senators to watch as Dems debate changing filibuster rules

WASHINGTON — Looming over Senate Democrats this year is a decision that could fundamentally change Congress: whether to change or eliminate the rules of...

California Democrats again seek to alter recall laws

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Four years ago, California Democrats altered the state’s recall laws in part to slow down the process and try to aid...

Minnesota lawmakers reach deal on policing measures

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Minnesota’s top Democratic and Republican lawmakers reached agreement on the highlights of a public safety bill that includes police accountability...

Bipartisan infrastructure deal back on track after walk-back

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan deal to invest nearly $1 trillion in the nation's infrastructure appeared to be back on track Sunday after a stark...

Key GOP senators balk at terms of Biden infrastructure bill

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's bipartisan infrastructure deal has been thrown in doubt as Republican senators said they felt “blindsided” by his insistence that...

Pence sees GOP as ‘last line of defense’ for Constitution

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday accused Democrats of trying to rewrite the Constitution and urged Republicans to build the...