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Tag: U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon preparing for Taliban attacks during US withdrawal

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The Pentagon is preparing for possible Taliban attacks on U.S. and coalition forces as they withdraw from Afghanistan, a prospect that complicates...

The big Pentagon internet mystery now partially solved

BOSTON — A very strange thing happened on the internet the day President Joe Biden was sworn in. A shadowy company residing at a...

The big Pentagon internet mystery now partially solved

<p>BOSTON &mdash; A very strange thing happened on the internet the day President Joe Biden was sworn in. A shadowy company residing at a...

Officials say carrier to help protect Afghanistan pullout

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has decided to keep an aircraft carrier in the Middle East to help provide protection for American and coalition troops...

Panel: End commanders’ power to block military sex cases

WASHINGTON — A Pentagon panel is recommending that decisions to prosecute service members for sexual assault be made by independent authorities, not commanders, in...

Panel: End commanders’ power to block military sex cases

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; A Pentagon panel is recommending that decisions to prosecute service members for sexual assault be made by independent authorities, not commanders, in...

Officials say carrier to help protect Afghanistan pullout

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The Pentagon has decided to keep an aircraft carrier in the Middle East to help provide protection for American and coalition troops...

US troops in Afghanistan begin packing gear in pullout prep

KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. military has begun shipping equipment and winding down contracts with local service providers ahead of the May 1 start...

General: Afghan military will collapse without some US help

WASHINGTON — Afghanistan’s military “will certainly collapse” without some continued American support once all U.S. troops are withdrawn, the top U.S. general for the...

US troops in Afghanistan begin packing gear in pullout prep

<p>KABUL, Afghanistan &mdash; The U.S. military has begun shipping equipment and winding down contracts with local service providers ahead of the May 1 start...