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Tag: U.S. Department of Defense

General: Afghan military will collapse without some US help

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Afghanistan’s military “will certainly collapse” without some continued American support once <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-troop-withdrawal-afghanistan-september-11-d2c7426736f9f530e0e62f2295a44d28">all U.S. troops are withdrawn,</a> the top <a href="https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-government-and-politics-9fad8826ccd93c9f39c4f29c07185448">U.S. general...

Repeated Guard missions in DC trigger frustration, denials

WASHINGTON — Three months after more than 25,000 National Guard troops poured into the nation's capital to secure President Joe Biden's inauguration, Defense Department...

Repeated Guard missions in DC trigger frustration, denials

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Three months after more than 25,000 National Guard troops poured into the nation's capital to secure President Joe Biden's inauguration, Defense Department...

Air Force One subcontractor countersues Boeing over delays

FORT WORTH, Texas — A subcontractor working on the new Air Force One aircraft for Boeing countersued the Chicago-based aircraft giant Friday over Boeing's...

Air Force One subcontractor countersues Boeing over delays

<p>FORT WORTH, Texas &mdash; A subcontractor working on the new Air Force One aircraft for Boeing countersued the Chicago-based aircraft giant Friday over Boeing's...

Biden’s gamble: Will pulling troops revive extremist threat?

BRUSSELS — At its start, America’s war in Afghanistan was about retribution for 9/11. Then it was about shoring up a weak government and...

Biden’s gamble: Will pulling troops revive extremist threat?

BRUSSELS — At its start, America’s war in Afghanistan was about retribution for 9/11. Then it was about shoring up a weak government and...

Biden’s gamble: Will pulling troops revive extremist threat?

BRUSSELS — At its start, America’s war in Afghanistan was about retribution for 9/11. Then it was about shoring up a weak government and...

Probe faults DC Guard use of aircraft during June protests

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Members of the Washington D.C. National Guard lacked clear guidance and didn't fully understand how to appropriately use helicopters during the civil...

Biden’s gamble: Will pulling troops revive extremist threat?

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; At its start, America’s war in Afghanistan was about retribution for 9/11. Then it was about shoring up a weak government and...