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Tag: U.S. Republican Party

Democratic push to revive earmarks divides Republicans

WASHINGTON — Can lawmakers bring home the bacon without it being pork? ...

Anti-abortion bills abound; their fate in court is unknown

At an intense pace, lawmakers in Republican-governed states are considering an array of tough anti-abortion restrictions they hope might reach the Supreme Court and...

McConnell backs new process to fill Kentucky Senate vacancy

<p>FRANKFORT, Ky. &mdash; Mitch McConnell has given his blessing to legislation to change how a vacant U.S. Senate seat would be filled in his...

Biden was Sheriff Joe on ’09 aid, now salesman on COVID law

WASHINGTON — In 2009, then-Vice President Joe Biden was "Sheriff Joe,” the enforcer making sure federal dollars from a massive economic aid package were...

Biden was Sheriff Joe on ’09 aid, now salesman on COVID law

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; In 2009, then-Vice President Joe Biden was "Sheriff Joe,” the enforcer making sure federal dollars from a massive economic aid package were...

States drawing up big wish lists for the COVID relief money

State governments will get a big influx of federal money from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that could suddenly enable them to undertake...

Wyoming moving ahead with Trump Jr.-backed election changes

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Wyoming lawmakers will continue to discuss proposed election changes endorsed by Donald Trump Jr. for their potential to undermine U.S. Rep....

House renews push to expand background checks

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Emboldened by their majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats are making a new push to enact the first major new gun...

Biden’s $1.9T rescue signed, agenda now a slog in Congress

WASHINGTON — Tough as it was for Democrats, passing President Joe Biden’s sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue package into law was the easy...

Democrats muscle ahead with Biden’s health secretary pick

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The Senate voted on Thursday to advance President Joe Biden’s nominee for health secretary as Democrats muscled past Republican opposition using a...