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Tag: United Nations

UN watchdog: Iran has enriched uranium to highest purity yet

BERLIN — Iran has enriched uranium to slightly higher purity than previously thought due to “fluctuations” in the process, the United Nations' atomic watchdog...

UN diplomats: Martin Griffiths to be UN humanitarian chief

<p>UNITED NATIONS &mdash; Martin Griffiths, a U.N. diplomat with wide global experience who has spent the last three years trying to help end the...

West and rights groups accuse China of massive Uyghur crimes

UNITED NATIONS — Human rights groups and Western nations led by the United States, Britain and Germany accused China of massive crimes against the...

UN seeks proposals to end force on Sudan-South Sudan border

<p>The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Tuesday to extend the mandate of the nearly 3,700-strong peacekeeping force in the disputed Abyei region on the...

UN diplomat Martin Griffiths appointed UN humanitarian chief

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. chief on Wednesday appointed veteran British diplomat Martin Griffiths, a seasoned negotiator with wide global experience, as the new...

Analysis: Violence upends Biden’s Israel-Palestinian outlook

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; The surge in Israeli-Palestinian violence has flummoxed the Biden administration in its first four months as it attempts to craft a Middle...

Escalating Mideast violence bears hallmarks of 2014 Gaza war

<p>GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip &mdash; Rockets streamed out of Gaza and Israel pounded the territory with airstrikes early Wednesday as the most severe outbreak...

UN raises global economic forecast to 5.4% growth in 2021

<p>UNITED NATIONS &mdash; The United Nations on Tuesday responded to the rebounding Chinese and U.S. economies by revising its global economic forecast upward to...

Panel suggests WHO should have more power to stop pandemics

<p>GENEVA &mdash; A panel of independent experts who reviewed the World Health Organization’s response to the coronavirus pandemic says the U.N. health agency should...

Beyond vaccines, UNESCO seeks share more global science

PARIS — While the U.S. president is calling for suspending patents on COVID-19 vaccines, experts at UNESCO are quietly working on a more ambitious...