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Tag: United States Senate

Dems set voting bill showdown as GOP rejects Manchin plan

WASHINGTON — The Senate is set for a key vote Tuesday on a sweeping rewrite of voting and election law, setting up a dramatic...

Back home: Biden has daunting to-do list after European tour

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is facing a formidable to-do list now that he’s back from his summit-filled trip to Europe, with pressing legislative...

House poised to repeal 2002 Iraq War authorization

WASHINGTON — The Democratic-led House, with the backing of President Joe Biden, is expected to approve legislation to repeal the 2002 authorization for use...

Congress approves bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday

WASHINGTON — The United States will soon have a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery. ...

EXPLAINER: The story of Juneteenth, the new federal holiday

The U.S. government is catching up with Black people who have been commemorating the end of slavery in the United States for generations with...

Impatient Democrats prepare to go-it-alone on infrastructure

WASHINGTON — Patience running thin, Democratic leaders are laying the groundwork for a go-it-alone approach on President Joe Biden's big jobs and families infrastructure...

For years US Army hid, downplayed extent of firearms loss

The U.S. Army has hidden or downplayed the extent to which its firearms disappear, significantly understating losses and thefts even as some weapons are...

Yellen: administration is watching inflation closely

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen assured Congress that the recent jump in inflation is being monitored very carefully by the Biden administration, but...

Schumer, White House back repeal of Iraq War authorization

WASHINGTON — The White House and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are endorsing efforts to terminate the 2002 authorization of military force against Iraq,...

Congress designating Pulse massacre site a national memorial

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for stronger gun safety measures Wednesday as she marked Congress' passage of legislation designating the site of...