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Tag: United States Senate

Congress repeals Trump-era regulations on payday lenders

NEW YORK — Congress on Thursday overturned a set of regulations enacted in the final days of the Trump administration that effectively allowed payday...

EXPLAINER: So much buzz, but what is critical race theory?

RALEIGH, N.C. — Former President Donald Trump has railed against it. Republicans in the U.S. Senate introduced a resolution condemning any requirement for teachers...

From Biden to Congress, Big Tech is under mounting pressure

WASHINGTON — Without speaking a word or scratching a pen across paper, President Joe Biden drove up the pressure on Big Tech companies already...

EXPLAINER: What’s next now that GOP has blocked voting bill?

Senate Republicans have blocked debate of a sweeping overhaul of how elections are run in the U.S. The bill was pushed by congressional Democrats...

Biden anti-crime effort takes on law-breaking gun dealers

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is announcing new efforts to stem a rising national tide of violent crime as administration officials brace for what...

Yellen: Failure to raise debt limit would be ‘catastrophic’

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told a congressional panel Wednesday that failing to raise the federal debt ceiling would have “catastrophic consequences” that...

One building, two worlds: Bridging stubborn gap in Congress

WASHINGTON — Joe Lieberman was back on Capitol Hill on Tuesday testifying in support of the Democratic push for Washington, D.C., statehood. Then he...

In break with Trump, House GOP forms group on climate change

WASHINGTON — Utah Rep. John Curtis says he's tired of hearing that Republicans — his party colleagues — don't care about climate change or...

Beach club tied to US senator refutes claims its ‘all-white’

NEWPORT, R.I. — An exclusive Rhode Island beach club tied to Democratic U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has broken its silence to defend itself from...

GOP ready to block elections bill in Senate showdown

WASHINGTON — The Democrats’ expansive elections and voting bill is all but certain to be rejected in a key test vote in the...