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Novel about Vietnam veteran wins $5,000 William Colby prize

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; A novel about a Marine's time in Vietnam and his struggles back home has won a $5,000 prize. Mark Treanor's “A...

Black soldier mistreatment common even before Virginia case

NORFOLK, Va. — The police officers’ guns were trained on the uniformed U.S. Army lieutenant, his arms raised and palms outstretched as he sat...

Black soldier mistreatment common even before Virginia case

<p>NORFOLK, Va. &mdash; The police officers’ guns were trained on the uniformed U.S. Army lieutenant, his arms raised and palms outstretched as he sat...

Veteran AP producer, cameraman in Iraq dies of COVID-19

BEIRUT — Khodeir Majid, who covered Iraq’s numerous conflicts as a video producer and cameraman for the Associated Press over 17 years has died,...

Veteran AP producer, cameraman in Iraq dies of COVID-19

<p>BEIRUT &mdash; Khodeir Majid, who covered Iraq’s numerous conflicts as a video producer and cameraman for the Associated Press over 17 years has died,...

Stone Mountain Park denies permit for Confederate event

STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. — The Stone Mountain Memorial Association has denied a gathering permit from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who were looking to...

Stone Mountain Park denies permit for Confederate event

<p>STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. &mdash; The Stone Mountain Memorial Association has denied a gathering permit from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who were looking to...

Turkey detains ex-admirals over statement on straits treaty

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish authorities on Monday detained 10 former admirals after a group of more than 100 retired top navy officers issued a...

Turkey detains ex-admirals over statement on straits treaty

<p>ANKARA, Turkey &mdash; Turkish authorities on Monday detained 10 former admirals after a group of more than 100 retired top navy officers issued a...

G. Gordon Liddy, Watergate mastermind, dead at 90

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; G. Gordon Liddy, a mastermind of the Watergate burglary and a radio talk show host after emerging from prison, died Tuesday at...