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Tag: Violence

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn’t happen this week

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though...

House renews push to expand background checks

WASHINGTON — Emboldened by their majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats are making a new push to enact the first major new gun...

South African official pledges to fund university students

JOHANNESBURG — In an effort to quell violent protests at universities, South Africa's education minister has vowed to make more money available to enable...

Texas cop charged with murder in shooting released on bond

AUSTIN, Texas — A Texas police officer charged with murder in the fatal shooting last year of an unarmed Austin man was booked into...

House renews push to expand background checks

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Emboldened by their majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats are making a new push to enact the first major new gun...

South African official pledges to fund university students

<p>JOHANNESBURG &mdash; In an effort to quell violent protests at universities, South Africa's education minister has vowed to make more money available to enable...

Texas cop charged with murder in shooting released on bond

<p>AUSTIN, Texas &mdash; A Texas police officer charged with murder in the fatal shooting last year of an unarmed Austin man was booked into...

Gambler pleads guilty to threatening Tampa Bay Rays players

TAMPA, Fla. — A sports gambler faces up to five years in federal prison for threatening social media messages sent to players with the...

Third party joins Plano police to investigate racist claims

DALLAS — A third party will be hired to investigate allegations of racist bullying and abuse against a Black 13-year-old boy during a sleepover...

Prosecutor: Man propped dead wife on sofa in front of kids

<p>ANAHEIM, Calif. &mdash; A Southern California man who killed his wife propped up her body on a sofa, told their children she was drunk...