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Tag: Voting

Democrats press for broader voter access as GOP resists

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Republicans in the U.S. Senate mounted an aggressive case against Democrats' sweeping election and voter-access legislation, pushing to roll back proposals for...

UK government plan to toughen voter ID rules draws criticism

<p>LONDON &mdash; The British government has announced contentious plans to toughen election voting rules by requiring photo identification at polling stations, a move it...

GOP readies blitz against Democrats’ voting rights bill

WASHINGTON — Republicans are preparing to launch an all-out assault on sweeping voting rights legislation, forcing Democrats to take dozens of politically difficult votes...

McCarthy sets Wednesday vote on Liz Cheney leadership ouster

WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy set a Wednesday vote for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership post in the chamber,...

GOP readies blitz against Democrats’ voting rights bill

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Republicans are preparing to launch an all-out assault on <a href="https://apnews.com/article/house-passes-sweeping-voting-rights-bill-88088175552f13a8e3f6f25d7bc45f6c">sweeping voting rights legislation</a>, forcing Democrats to take dozens of politically difficult...

Arizona GOP passes election bill opposed by business leaders

PHOENIX — Arizona Senate Republicans voted Tuesday to make it easier to purge thousands of people from a list of voters who automatically get...

McCarthy sets Wednesday vote on Liz Cheney leadership ouster

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy set a Wednesday vote for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership post in the chamber,...

Arizona GOP passes election bill opposed by business leaders

<p>PHOENIX &mdash; Arizona Senate Republicans voted Tuesday to make it easier to purge thousands of people from a list of voters who automatically get...

Republican-backed Arizona voting bill explained

<p>PHOENIX &mdash; Arizona is the latest Republican-controlled state in the crosshairs of voting rights advocates after Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation Tuesday allowing potentially...

Republican-backed Arizona voting bill explained

PHOENIX — Arizona is the latest Republican-controlled state in the crosshairs of voting rights advocates after Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation Tuesday allowing potentially...