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Wyoming officials steer clear of Cheney peril before vote

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — With Republicans in Washington turning up the heat on Rep. Liz Cheney, the defiant third-term congresswoman faces mixed reviews at home. ...

DeSantis signs GOP-drafted voting bill, legal fight begins

<p>TALLAHASSEE, Fla. &mdash; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a sweeping elections bill into law Thursday that he and other Republicans said would place guardrails...

AP FACT CHECK: Yes, Trump lost election despite what he says

WASHINGTON — Seeking to shame Republicans who are disloyal to him, former President Donald Trump distorted the Constitution’s meaning in asserting widespread voter fraud...

A look at the changes in Florida’s election laws

<p>TALLAHASSEE, Fla. &mdash; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a 48-page <a href="https://apnews.com/article/race-and-ethnicity-voting-rights-voting-government-and-politics-2d3177bdf6c823d54fc6cbf049ba7da9">elections bill</a> Thursday that, despite boasts of a flawless 2020 election, creates many...

GOP seeks unity, even if that means embracing election lie

WASHINGTON — There's a new buzzword among Republicans in Washington: unity. ...

Wyoming officials steer clear of Cheney peril before vote

<p>CHEYENNE, Wyo. &mdash; With Republicans in Washington turning up the heat on Rep. Liz Cheney, the defiant third-term congresswoman faces mixed reviews at home.</p> ...

AP FACT CHECK: Yes, Trump lost election despite what he says

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Seeking to shame Republicans who are disloyal to him, former President Donald Trump distorted the Constitution’s meaning in asserting widespread voter fraud...

Democrats revise voting bill, but Senate obstacles remain

WASHINGTON — Democrats are revising key sections of their sweeping legislation to overhaul U.S. elections, hoping to address concerns raised by state and local...

Democrats revise voting bill, but Senate obstacles remain

<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; Democrats are revising key sections of their sweeping legislation to overhaul U.S. elections, hoping to address concerns raised by state and local...

Florida inquiry clears Bloomberg over felons voting case

<p>TALLAHASSEE, Fla. &mdash; Florida authorities on Wednesday closed a criminal investigation into fund-raising efforts by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to pay...