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Reports detail tense moments with Georgia election monitors

ATLANTA — As a pair of election workers sat at a table counting ballots during an audit of Georgia's presidential election in November, no...

Senate Democrats press ahead on voting bill despite dim odds

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats pledged to forge ahead with a likely doomed vote on their sprawling elections and voting bill next week, even as...

Michigan Republicans pass bills to add voter ID requirements

LANSING, Mich. — Republicans who control the Michigan Senate passed legislation Wednesday that would mandate a photo ID to vote in person and add...

Observer: Georgia county’s elections messy, not fraudulent

ATLANTA — Election processes in Georgia's most populous county were badly managed, sloppy and chaotic, but there was no evidence of fraud, according to...

NC election bills unlikely to become laws after Senate votes

RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina Senate Republicans pushed a trio of election measures through their chamber on Wednesday, including one that would prohibit counting...

Arizona audit of 2020 election hits hand-count milestone

PHOENIX — A Republican-led hand recount of ballots cast in Arizona’s most populous county hit a major milestone Monday when counters finished tallying all...

‘We need more’: Democrats frustrated as agenda faces hurdles

EDWARDSVILLE, Pa. — They have spent much of the past year fighting for Democrats in this working-class corner of northeastern Pennsylvania, knocking on thousands...

Emails show Trump pressured Justice Dept. over 2020 election

WASHINGTON — During the last weeks of his presidency, Donald Trump and his allies pressured the Justice Department to investigate unsubstantiated claims of voter...

Ballot drop box investigation for 2020 begins in Georgia

ATLANTA — Georgia's secretary of state says his office is reviewing the handling of paperwork related to ballot drop boxes in the state's most...

Republican election bill pushed ahead over Dems’ objections

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Republicans on a legislative committee Tuesday pushed out a multifaceted proposal to revamp Pennsylvania election law, a bill backers said...