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Tag: War and unrest

Jailed terrorist Koufodinas ends hunger strike after 66 days

ATHENS, Greece — Greek convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas has ended a 66-day hunger strike that left him dangerously ill. ...

Israel unveils guided mortar system for future urban warfare

JERUSALEM — The Israeli Defense Ministry on Sunday said it has completed development of a new guided mortar system, giving the army a formidable...

British-Iranian woman back in court after 5 years in prison

<p>DUBAI, United Arab Emirates &mdash; A trial to present fresh charges against a British-Iranian woman detained for five years in Iran convened Sunday, her...

Armenian opposition supporters surround government buildings

YEREVAN, Armenia — Hundreds of opposition supporters surrounded government buildings in Armenia's capital on Saturday to push for the resignation of the country’s prime...

AP Interview: Afghan minister warns US against hasty retreat

KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghanistan’s Interior Minister Masoud Andarabi warned on Saturday against a hasty U.S. retreat from the war-ravaged country, saying that the Taliban's...

Man charged in Capitol riot plot to be released from jail

<p>A man charged with conspiring with members of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group in the attack on the U.S. Capitol will be released...

UN increases Central African Republic force by nearly 3,700

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council approved an increase of nearly 3,700 military and police to the U.N. peacekeeping force in Central African...

Afghan bomb kills at least 8; UN slams high civilian deaths

<p>KABUL, Afghanistan &mdash; A powerful car bomb killed at least eight people and injured 47 in Afghanistan's western Herat province, officials said Saturday. </p> ...

Man charged in Capitol riot plot to be released from jail

A man charged with conspiring with members of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group in the attack on the U.S. Capitol will be released...

UN urges foreign troops and mercenaries to leave Libya

<p>UNITED NATIONS &mdash; The U.N. Security Council on Friday urged countries with troops and mercenaries in Libya to withdraw them “without delay” as demanded...