Ross to depart; Edinburgh school board launches superintendent search

After leading the school district for three years, the Edinburgh Community School Corp. superintendent will leave this summer.

The school board voted to accept Superintendent Ron Ross’ resignation at a special board meeting Wednesday. Ross will complete the rest of the current 2023-2024 school year in Johnson County before he moves to start work as the South Dearborn Community School Corp. superintendent. His last day at Edinburgh will be June 30.

His career spans a little over 18 years, three of which he served as superintendent at Edinburgh. Ross taught for six years before becoming an administrator, serving roles such as social-emotional learning building coordinator, assistant principal and principal. He left his position as dean of students at Greenfield Central Junior High School before moving to Edinburgh.

The moment is bittersweet for Ross and it’s hard to say goodbye, he said at Wednesday’s special meeting.

“This is an extended family and we love you guys, so it feels like we’re taking a little piece of Edinburgh with us and also leaving a little piece of ourselves behind,” Ross said.

Ross’s decision to move on from Edinburgh is to be closer to his family in the greater Cincinnati area. Ross told the school board he is thankful that they welcomed him and his family with open arms and never made them feel like an outsider.

“My life is better because I came to Edinburgh, no doubt,” Ross said.

School board members thanked Ross for his commitment to the schools over the past three years.

“I do feel like Edinburgh Community School Corp. is in a better place since you started here, so thank you,” said Daniel Teter, board president.

The school board also voted to approve a superintendent search service agreement between the Indiana School Board’s Association beginning May 22 through August 31.

An interim superintendent has not yet been named.