Letter: Interstate impact, cost substantial wherever

To the editor:

I would like to offer some comments on John Jefferson’s letter concerning I-69 in the Jan. 24-25 edition of the Daily Journal.

Mr. Jefferson says that the intersection at State Road 37 and I-465 is a zoo, and we don’t need anymore expensive “Spaghetti Bowl” interchanges when better options are available. My 30-some years of experience in civil engineering tells me that anytime you connect an interstate highway to another interstate highway, you will have a spaghetti bowl, and it will be expensive.

And I am doubtful that the unimproved land that he says is near the airport will be cheap. My experience tells me that if the land is unimproved, is near an interstate and is near an international airport, it probably won’t be inexpensive. For a good look at an interstate to interstate interchange built on undeveloped land I would suggest taking a drive on I-465 to the I-74 interchange on Marion County’s southeast side.

Dale R. Sedler
