Letter: County treasurer has done remarkable job

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>It is campaign season and the roadways are once again filled with signs for various public offices, including county treasurer. If you are someone who escrows your property taxes, you might never even step into the treasurer’s office.</p>
<p>However, if you are one of the thousands like me who make direct payments or have a business that pays the food and beverage tax, it is clear that Diane Edwards has brought great improvements to the office during her first term.</p>
<p>Those noticeable improvements include eliminating the long payment lines by having all employees process payments, creating the ability to pay taxes online via credit card, allowing taxpayers the option to roll any over-payments into their next installment, adding a link to pay taxes through jcmaps.org, relocating public research terminals to the treasurer’s office to allow individuals to do their own searches and working with Indiana Treasurer’s Association for the betterment of mobile home permits.</p>
<p>As a fellow public sector employee, I know what it is like to have to run an office on a budget. Under Diane’s leadership, the treasurer’s office has consistently come in under budget, and as a fellow taxpayer I can appreciate that.</p>
<p>Diane has even more ideas to improve and modernize the treasurer’s office to increase the level of service to all of us during her next and final term. I would encourage the citizens of Johnson County to join in helping turn those ideas into reality by voting for Diane Edwards for treasurer on or before May 3.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Joe Villanueva</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right">Bargersville</p>