Letter: Don’t be deterred by construction … Downtown Franklin great place to shop

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Indeed it is quite a moment to have a Kroger Marketplace come to Franklin. I will miss the homey feel of the 1993 vintage store, but I will surely appreciate the friendly service and products offered at the 2016 circa version.

With the acknowledgment of that fact, it is important to remind Franklin and Johnson County residents that an alternative shopping experience is just two miles from the new Kroger. What is it?

Downtown Franklin. Unique gifts, beautiful clothing, local pharmacy, creative toys, original art, old world crafts and delicious foods, candies and spirits are so close. Even though the Jefferson Street access gets its well-deserved face-lift, there are so many wonderful places to visit, shop and frequent; do not let the rerouting signs detour you.

As a shopper, I so much appreciate the downtown store and restaurant owners knowing my name, remembering my preferences and appreciating finding the perfect gift or "just because" item for my loved ones. The outdoors, the courthouse grandeur and the intimacy of people knowing who I am is something a box store can never offer.

It’s not either/or. It’s both/and. Just remember there are two wonderful parts of Franklin.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Jan McManus</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right">Franklin</p>