Letter: Is this Indiana or Massachusetts?

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>There must be some foreign substance in the air or water of Johnson County. During the past few weeks individuals have called for abolishment of the Magna Carta (trial by jury), trashing the colonial free market idea and, finally, one pixie who gushes platitudes speaking of the one payer (socialized medicine) idea in general and the particular system of Cuba — that’s C-U-B-A! For a moment, I thought the Journal heading was listed as Massachusetts.</p>
<p>I thought it might be interesting or enlightening to examine the quotes and thoughts of one Dr. Johnathon Gruber, the architect of Obamacare/socialized medicine, vaunted the one-payer idea and (of course), an economics professor at MIT and who is currently under investigation for misappropriation (i.e., stealing) of funds while employed by the state of Vermont.</p>
<p>Note the following:</p>
<p>Exploiting the stupidity of the American voter is kinda like squeezing a lemon.</p>
<p>The typical American voter is so stupid his dog teaches him tricks.</p>
<p>Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Call it stupidity of the American voter, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass.</p>
<p>Are you really questioning the wisdom of central planning? Because the happy citizens of Cuba beg to differ.</p>
<p>If any American really believes Obamacare is going to control costs, I’ve got some real estate in Whitewater, Arkansas I’d like to sell them.</p>
<p>P.T. Barnum said a sucker was born every minute, but his estimate was laughably low.</p>
<p>The stupidity of the American voter is exceeded only by its slovenliness.</p>
<p>Gee whiz, I didn’t know the good professor had visited Johnson County.</p>
<p>In the "who really cares" or "who gives a hoot" department, I admit/confess I spent some 50-plus years practicing medicine, posing as a small-town country doctor, a tour of duty as a captain in the United States Air Force and during the Korean conflict was deployed in Far Eastern Air Forces, and upon discharge spent the next 41 years as an anesthesiologist in operating rooms of South Bend Memorial Hospital, trying desperately not to kill too many patients.</p>
<p>That career possibly gives me a bird’s-eye, or at least a worm’s-eye, view of American medicine. At 3:00 one morning, Betty and I sped out of South Bend, closely pursued by a sheriff’s posse, ran out of gas and money in the sanctuary city of Greenwood and have spent the past 20-plus years trying to lead a quiet, peaceful, non-controversial life in that idyllic city …</p>
<p>Both Dr. Gruber and I bid you a fond farewell.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Kenneth R. DeVoe</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right">Greenwood</p>