Letter: People need to stop denying climate change

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Hurricane Harvey is an unnatural disaster. Climate change, caused by fossil fuels, raised the sea level contributing to Harvey’s intense rainfall.

Over 6 million people have been affected. More people are in need of shelter and services, damaged oil refineries are spewing toxic fumes into communities and public health is at risk.

A part of supporting impacted people means getting serious about why storms like Harvey, Sandy and Katrina, and other weather extremes continue to happen with increasing intensity.

The connection between climate change and Harvey’s impact is irrefutable. July 2017 was the hottest month ever measured on earth, raising the temperature of the Gulf of Mexico, and making Harvey wetter and stronger.

Denying climate change puts people in harm’s way. Unless we take steps to plan for a changing world, more people will lose their homes or their lives.

This is why it is imperative that our elected officials stand up against climate denial and demand that the administration and congress commit to long term climate action.

This is to build a world where families can live free from the fear of climate chaos. After all there are many more people employed by renewable energy sources than the other sources of electricity.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Tom Hougham</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Trafalgar</strong></p>