Letter: Get involved in Great American Smokeout

To the editor:

Thursday, Nov. 16, is the Great American Smokeout, a day promoted by the American Cancer Society to encourage smokers to give up tobacco, at least for one day, and to think about quitting for good. Most people have a pretty good understanding of the harm caused by cigarette smoking, but about one in five Indiana adults still smoke.

Smokers have a high risk of developing lung cancer, heart disease and many other types of cancer. Smoking also increases the damage of chronic diseases such as diabetes, emphysema and asthma, and can increase the risk of strokes.

We can support relatives, friends and co-workers who smoke by encouraging participation in the Great American Smoke Out on Nov. 16. Give them a bag of their favorite gum or candy to help them through the day. You can also suggest free resources such as the Indiana Tobacco Quitline where a Quit Coach will help them deal with cravings and triggers. Indiana residents ages 13 and over can contact the Quitline at 1-800-Quit-Now or www.QuitNowIndiana.com.

Sometimes we get by with a little help from our friends.

Nancy Voris

Tobacco Program Coordinator

Partnership for a Healthier Johnson County