Letter: Kudos to lawmaker for taking bold stand

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

I offer kudos to State Rep. Curt Nisly, who will soon re-introduce the "Protection at Conception" bill at the Indiana Statehouse.

The 1973 Roe v Wade ruling was predicated on the false premise that what is conceived in the womb is not human life. In actual Roe v Wade audio, Justice Potter Stewart notes that the case for abortion would be an almost impossible case if it were established that an unborn fetus is a person within the protection of the 14th Amendment.

Per Rep. Nisly, “We now understand that from the moment of conception, pre-born children are genetically human, scientifically alive, and have DNA that is different from their parents. Our scientific knowledge has advanced so much since 1973 as to make Roe v. Wade’s musings about when life begins totally obsolete.”

The Protection at Conception bill would end abortion in Indiana using the Supreme Court’s own language coupled with Indiana’s own code, but before you celebrate the demise of abortion, take note that I used the word “re-introduce.”

Nisly first introduced the bill in 2017, but Ben Smaltz, House Speaker Brian Bosma’s hand-picked chairman of the House Public Policy Committee, refused to give it a hearing or a vote.

Please visit <a href="http://www.hoosiers4life.com">www.hoosiers4life.com</a> and sign the petition to support the Protection at Conception bill.

Then call the Statehouse at 800-382-9841 to thank Curt Nisly for taking a bold stand for the unborn, and to ask Bosma and Smaltz to give the Protection at Conception bill a hearing and a vote.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Jim Arnold</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right">Muncie</p>