Letter: State’s legislative districts unfairly favor GOP

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Last year, The Associated Press analyzed Indiana’s legislative districts and determined that the lines — redrawn in 2011 by Indiana Republicans — unfairly favored the Republican party. In the current session, some Republicans paid lip service to fairness by supporting an independent commission to redraw the lines, but hearings were blocked by Republican leadership on five separate bills.

The Republican party is obviously trying to “run out the clock” until after the 2020 Census to preserve their partisan political advantage. Putting politicians with a vested interest in the outcome in charge of drawing legislative districts is nonsensical. The League of Women Voters, Common Cause of Indiana, Indiana Farmers Union and other good government organizations are on record as supporting redistricting reform. Hoosiers deserve representation that reflects the considered opinions of the citizens rather than perpetuation of a corrupt system.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Matt Roberts</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Indianapolis</strong></p>