Letter: Letter: Kevin Makice

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>Only two percent of the population has run for elected office. Of those who do, women account for just 25 percent of those campaigns.</p>
<p>2018 is different. Already, 259 women have filed for candidacy this year, a number that could reach 700 competing in 419 races for federal and statewide executive offices.</p>
<p>One of those women resides in Indiana’s 9th District.</p>
<p>Liz Watson is a hard-working advocate for family and labor, reflected in her long list of union endorsements. As a fifth-generation Hoosier she already knows the challenges we face here every day, but Liz continues to listen through town halls held all around southern Indiana.</p>
<p>Like many of her peers, this is Liz’s first campaign. However, she comes to the task with a reassuring amount of experience working with members of Congress, from McCloskey to Warren and Sanders. A Georgetown-educated lawyer, Liz advocates for mothers and low-wage workers struggling to balance employment with obligations to raise and care for their families.</p>
<p>Equality is never organic. To realize our American Dream, we have to look with intention for the voices that are missing and amplify them.</p>
<p>Please look deeply at congressional candidate Liz Watson, and support her with your vote.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Kevin Makice</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Bloomington</strong></p>