Letter: House candidate is energetic, will work hard for people

To the editor:

Recently, I attended a hearing in the Indiana Legislature. I was amazed at how complicated understanding the progress of a bill can be.

I found myself frustrated and angry at how legislators can use the “frame” of one bill to insert text on a completely unrelated topic.

It occurred to me then, once more, that in Liz Watson, we in the 9th District have a great candidate to serve in the U.S. House.

Although Liz is a native Hoosier, with roots going back to before the Civil War, her experience as director of labor policy for the Democratic Caucus in the U.S. House will be invaluable as she goes to work on behalf of working families in southern Indiana. Liz knows how it works — how to write legislation and how to shepherd it through the complicated process to get it passed. Twenty-eight labor organizations in Indiana have endorsed Liz. Working people in our state understand that she will be working for us.

I have volunteered for Liz for several months and I have never seen anyone who works harder. She will use her incredible energy to follow through on progressive legislation. I can’t wait for her to get started.

Lynne Foster Shifriss
