Letter: Make funding to fight tuberculosis a priority

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Most of the nation is focused on March Madness, a welcome diversion from the dreary March weather. Unfortunately, March 24th was Tuberculosis Day, a day to focus on the fact that TB is the leading global infectious disease killer, surpassing even HIV/AIDS. TB sickens 10.4 million, and kills 1.7 million per year. TB is a major cause and consequence of poverty. The tragedy is that it is treatable, curable! We in this country think of it as a disease of the past.

Ask your senators Joe Donnelly and Todd Young to make funding to fight TB a priority. Investing in solutions to poverty, education and health is the best defense against extremism around the world. Our nation’s security depends on an increase in funding to fight global poverty and disease. Enjoy basketball, but remember some face much more critical, life threatening, day to day circumstances.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Diane Lindley</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Needham</strong></p>