Make the most of summer before it speeds by

I donated snacks. I bought gifts for teachers. I admit that in the final days of May, lunch boxes were filled with the foods I knew my kids would eat versus the well-balanced efforts of the beginning of the year.

Through it all, we’ve kept putting one foot in front of the other with our eyes on the prize — SUMMER. For our family, summer brings with it a relaxed routine and different opportunities. For two whole months, my alarm clock won’t blare at 5:50 AM. Thank the Lord.

However, as a working mom, summer still means I need to check off assignments on my agenda. My obligations don’t end with the final school bell. At the same time, I want my girls to enjoy their summer break, too. I long for them to make memories, enjoy the warm days and investigate their passions. With that in mind, this week I’m getting serious about summer, planning ways to make the most of our time and money during the months of June and July.

Sign up for summer reading

Did you know that both the Johnson County Public Library and the Greenwood Public Library launched their summer reading programs on May 14 this year? It’s time to start logging those hours for both bragging rights and great prizes. Plus, both libraries offer amazing programming all summer long. Swing by your local branch to pick up a catalog so you can mark your calendar with each opportunity to learn and have fun.

Pick up the extras

Sunscreen for those days at the pool. Bug spray for campfire fun. Antibacterial gel and bandages for bruised knees. You’re going to need some extras this summer. Make a point to pick up those items in advance instead of waiting until the last minute and getting caught in a lurch. On the top of my list this year is Jewelweed soap because I almost always find myself in a patch of poison ivy and it’s the only thing that provides relief. I also love to have plenty of popsicles in the freezer. Maybe you might need new beach towels or a swimsuit. Last minute trips always lead to overspending. Take the initiative to begin building your supply early this year.

Check out community calendars

Free concerts, parades, special community activities — Johnson County has so much to offer at a free or affordable price this summer. Now is the time to lock dates on your calendar so you don’t miss all of the fantastic fun. From firework displays to 5Ks, you don’t have to venture far from home to enjoy hot fun in the summertime.

Plan a 1-tank trip

Many of our weekends are already spoken for this summer. We have graduation celebrations, weddings, community events and a couple of trips for work on the calendar. However, we always try to plan at least one weekend per summer where we hit the wide open road and explore somewhere a bit beyond our regular stomping grounds. We look for destinations we can travel to and back on one tank of gas. Some years, we’ve hiked at state parks. Last year, we visited Marengo Cave. Whether you choose to stay overnight or keep your travels to the day is up to you. But choose a destination and begin hatching a plan now before the summer days slip away.

Focus on items already owned

While we may need to replace an item or two or stock up on necessities this summer, we also already have plenty of summer fun waiting for us in the cabinets, closets and drawers of our home. Before you get caught up in all of the adorable seasonal fun in the aisles of your favorite big box retailer, do a quick inventory at your house. Look for board games hiding in the back of the closet to play on a rainy day. Sort through the sidewalk chalk. Pull out the bubbles. Dig deep in the dresser to find last year’s shorts before you purchase an entire new wardrobe.

Thinking ahead about your summer prevents overspending. With the money you save, you might be able to afford a trip to an amusement park or a pool pass. Or maybe you can use that cash to purchase school supplies — because those days will be here in the blink of an eye.