Listening, waiting brings astonishment, action

I picked up an old journal that I had reinforced the spine with lime-green and brown-checkered duct tape — it matched the lime-green journal cover.

My first thought when I ran my fingers over the cover was: “why” and “what was I thinking?” My second thought was: “I really like the color combination — it makes my eyes smile.”

When I opened the journal to the inside lined pages — I instantly recalled the retreat room were I penned the following message:

“Here I am Father God.”

It’s 9 p.m. and pouring down and thundering outside the Springs Retreat Center. Not sure where I am exactly (I arrived via van, and didn’t pay attention to the drive), but its a beautiful place between Interstates 465 and 74 and Cincinnati, outside Milroy, Indiana.

Anyway, thanks for inviting me to this “Go” Retreat with the Creek.

Thank you for inviting me to this one-on-one conversation — away from home, the worries of life, the distractions of family-stuff, internet, phones, texting, tv — just me and you time.

Lord, lead me where you want me to go, help me to LISTEN!

To write what you want me to write.

To do what you want me to do.

To be still and listen to your words — your direction.”

I read through a list of praises and prayer requests, recalling how God had answered many of these prayers nearly 18 months ago. Some were answered to my joyful astonishment, some were answered with God’s answer quite obvious — wait, not yet. Yet some remained unanswered the way I had hoped and expected them to be answered.

When I turned the next ruled paper, I had written one of my favorite verses in cursive and print in three different Bible versions. I appreciate that these three short verses, Psalm 5:1-3, were accompanied with a note to the music director that they should be set with a flute accompaniment.

Give ear to my words, O Lord

consider my sighing.

Listen to my cry for help,

My King and my God, for to you I pray.

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;

In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

Is it just me, or does anyone else love the fact that these verses are packed full of action verbs: Give ear to my words . . .

Conside rmy sighing . . .

Listen to my cry for help . . .

O Lord, You hear

And all we’re expected to do is lay our requests before Him…and wait in expectation.