Letter: Today’s reality points to upside-down world

To the editor:

Red is the color of the Republican party. Red is the color of the Soviet Union and the current president of the Russian Federation. It is fitting that the same coat of paint covers this new partnership.

There are many civilians and military who dedicated their careers to fighting the Red Menace during the Cold War. I am sure they really appreciate an American president who turns belly up so that a chief of the KGB can pet him and tell him what a good dog he is.

In addition American Nazis are being welcomed into politics while World War II veterans are still alive. There are still people who look in the mirror and tell themselves that billionaires in Congress and the White House are working to help ordinary people. It is a world turned upside down — in Shakespeare’s words, “A tale told by an idiot…” This country needs a new coat of paint, preferably blue.

Donald A. Smith
