Letter: Remember the meltdowns, and don’t push middle America to strike back

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Looking back on the last presidential election, my wife and I talked about our vote, and expect many others did likewise.</p><p>Our vote in the Republican primary was not for Trump. As Election Day approached, we were wavering between not voting or voting for Trump. We decided that a “no vote” was the same as a vote for Hillary.</p><p>The idea of a Hillary presidency helped us decide to vote for Trump. I believe a good “Blue Dog” Democrat could possibly have won the election. With that election in the rear view mirror several things are interesting. The total meltdown that Hillary and the loony left have gone into is truly fun to watch.</p><p>To watch Hillary and the loony left blame the loss on the Russians, a collusion, or any number of reasons is fun to watch but misses the real cause.</p><p>Hillary is not a worthy person and certainly not a worthy candidate. As time moves along it seems the loony left is now moving the Democrats into a nano nano land where the real world disappears and is replaced by something that exists only in their imagination. For proof of lunacy look no further than some of the winners in recent Democrat primaries.</p><p>As reported in a Washington Post article by James Hofmann, “The far left is winning the Democratic civil war.” Something else interesting came from the last Presidential election. The old ways of polling has changed dramatically. Land line phones, the way polling used to be done, are gone. Society is mobile and demographics change quickly. Hillary was polling 15 percent higher than Trump before the election. Remember the Hillary meltdown the night of the election? Remember that night’s meltdown of the free press, primarily CNN and NBC? We now know that fair and balanced news is not available at either CNN, or NBC, and perhaps ABC, or CBS.</p><p>The real downside is the massive amount of hate spewing from the left. CNN and MSNBC have helped raise this hate to a boiling level. We need to be very careful because middle America will only take so much beating before they strike back, and that strike will be more than ever imagined.</p><p><p><strong>Floyd Shirrell</strong></p><p><p><strong>Indianapolis</strong></p>