Letter: Respect for women, but needs clarification, consistency

<p><strong>Letter to the editor:</strong></p><p>Okay ladies, I’m a male and I’m confused in this modern PC world. I admit that I can no longer tell the difference between the “offended” or the “offenders.” Perhaps you can help me out.</p><p>Are you from the group that can’t stand the thought of Kavanaugh ascending to the Supreme Court, or are you from the group willing to completely ignore Clinton canoodling the intern in the Oval?</p><p>Are you from the group that applauded Miss America killing off the swim suit contest or the group that was glued to the tube watching women marketing themselves to a bachelor?</p><p>Are you from the network that couldn’t say something good or tell the truth about Trump if he cured cancer or from the network that made millions peddling the Bachelor?</p><p>Are you from the group that is spending billions at the plastic surgeon or the group that demands we judge you on your brains not your bust?</p><p>Are you from the group that admires Beyonce, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry performing in little more than lingerie or the one that snaps up every half naked selfie offered up by, I don’t know…insert Kardashian here.</p><p>Are you from the group that can’t stand a man disrespecting a woman or the one that has a boat load of rap music on your phone that is replete with degrading lyrics?</p><p>I have no problem respecting you ladies, I just wish you would display some consistency in how you respect yourselves and tell me definitively which side of the fence you sit on. In the meantime I’ll just assume that George Soros and the rest of the liberal puppeteers are alive, well and laughing their backsides off at our combined stupidity.</p><p><p><strong>Mike Pflum</strong></p><p><p><strong>Martinsville</strong></p>