Letter: Expecting civility, respect, tolerance does not make a person an elitist

To the editor:

In response to Mr. James Toney’s view in “Doesn’t free speech apply to everyone,” (Sept. 5 Daily Journal), the answer to his question is yes.

But the issue with Trump’s speech is how incredibly offensive it is. And it’s not just offensive to those who do not support Trump but, with the exception of his most rabid followers, to this nation as a whole as well as most of the rest of the world. It is the complete lack of civility, respect and tolerance for others that is basically intolerable. And if those in his base feel they are exempt from Trump’s assaults, then just ask the “dumb Southerner” Jeff Sessions and think again.

And given Trump’s inability to control his mouth, temper and ego, it’s a safe bet that it’s only a matter of time until he lets slip what he really thinks of his most ardent followers. Also, Mr. Toney’s pointed remarks toward the “liberal media,” the “liberal elite” seem to infer that he’s of the mind that if you’re against Trump or Trump’s behavior, then you’re automatically an elitist. And if so, then with respect, Mr. Toney is wrong.

Liberty to speak freely doesn’t guarantee acceptance and just because one holds a position of power, it doesn’t mandate acceptance. Those who oppose someone whose behavior toward others is rude, abrasive, bullying, derogatory, hyper-reactive, intolerant, antagonistic and ill-tempered doesn’t make them an elitist. It makes them part of a majority in any developed nation who understand that civility, respect and tolerance for others are required in order to live peaceably together and work on society’s problems.

And as owners of this nation, we are entitled to those attributes out of one who aspired to lead our government.

Trump is no longer a just a bad joke played on this nation — he is dangerous to our democracy. What good is a border wall for a nation divided and destroyed from within by its own president? And he has deliberately divided this nation in an attempt to re-shape it according to the desires of a small minority among which include the true elitists in this nation — billionaires such as the Koch Brothers, the Mercers and others. He’s filled his administration with one multi-millionaire after another. And he’s been in Indiana recently campaigning for another multi-millionaire, Mike Braun. How’s that for elitism, Mr. Toney?

If Mr. Toney prefers non-elitism, try this: you will never get a never get a silk purse out of a pig’s ear. And this country deserves far better than the man-child currently sitting in the White House. Through his own actions, Trump is getting exactly what he rightfully deserves — growing rejection for such a weak character. A pig’s ear is a pig’s ear.

Lisa Voiles
