Local students can apply for a national scholarship

Local students who have a critical need to pay for college and have had hardship in their lives can apply for a national scholarship.

Applications for the Horatio Alger scholarship programs are open until Oct. 25.

The National Scholarship program is awarded to 106 students annually in the amount of $25,000. Students selected for the National Scholarship are also required to attend the all-expenses paid National Scholars Conference held in conjunction with the Horatio Alger Awards in April.

The Association has a state scholarship program in each state throughout the country. These scholarships are generally awarded in the amount of $10,000. 

Applicants must be enrolled as a full time student at a high school and seek to earn a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college, demonstrate a critical financial need, be involved in the community and school activities, have at least a 2.0 grade point average and be a United States citizen.

Applications can be found at application.horatioalger.org.