Letter: Civility needs returned in era of destroying others’ reputations

To the editor:

I appeal to all of us! Where are we headed in this, our great country? The politically correct police, and those who would destroy others, seem to be running at a rampant pace! Destroying other’s reputation at will!

I would like to present to you a parody of a quote by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984).

An executive of a large food chain was vilified and removed from his position for using a single word in a training session. I yawned and I did not speak out — because I was not an executive of a large food chain.

A radio sports announcer was fired from his position because he repeated a word from a story that he had heard. I did not speak out — because I was not a sports broadcaster.

A race car driver lost his sponsorship from a major pharmaceutical company because his father had spoken incorrectly even BEFORE the race car driver WAS BORN! I did not speak out — because I was not a race car driver.

Currently two people, an accuser and one accused, have had their reputations dragged through the mud, their names and lives sullied and destroyed. This was over an incident that may or may not have occurred 36 years ago exactly per their memories of that period! I did not speak out — because I did nothing like that.

Then, I was accused of something that I am sure I did not do and they came after me — and there was no one who would speak out for me or come to my defense!

PLEASE let us bring back some civility and understanding of others into our individual lives and that of our nation for which so many of our citizens have fought and died!

Jess Shively
