Letter: Question is what have you done for country besides complain?

To the editor:

Mrs. (Lisa) Voiles reveals advanced education with her linguistic athletics, hence her criticism of “crude phrases.” I never had that advantage. ("Expecting civility, respect, tolerance does not make a person an elitist," Oct. 3.)

It’s not my preference to debate her in the newspaper so this is my final comment. Like most communists and socialists, it appears she thinks it’s a crime to be wealthy. Our founding fathers were the wealthiest and wisest in their time. In addition to condemning the administration that was elected by the people of this country, what have you done for America? I spent 26 years in the U.S. Navy, some of them in combat, where there are no democrats or republicans at sea. I will be 90 in July and I am to the point where I don’t give a damn what you smart alecks do to this country because I won’t be around to see it happen.

James C. Toney
