Letter: Call to vote Democrat to restore nation to truth, fairness

To the editor:

The definition of a demagogue: "A leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power."

The Republican party has been taken over by a demagogue. The president and his party are antagonistic toward the free press and democratic norms; intolerant of ethnic and religious minorities; hold a belief that government should benefit their own financial interests and worst of all, are anti-science and truth.

Everyday on the news you see the devastation from the effects of global warming/climate change, which the President and Republicans have denied for years. No, hurricanes are not caused by global warming, but storms are stronger and come more often. Forest fires are larger, hotter; 100-year floods and droughts are happening more frequently. Republicans would rather pay the price to repair the damage than fix the underlying cause, putting the profits of the fossil fuel industry above human health and the health of the planet.

Democrat candidates, from the top ticket of Sen. Joe Donnelly for U.S. Senate and Liz Watson for 9th District Congress, to the state senate candidate, Ross Thomas and statehouse candidates, down to local offices, understand the perils of our nation and the world face. Democrats stand for inclusion, unity, social, racial and environmental justice.

We believe in affordable healthcare, negotiation of pharmaceutical prices, support of public schools, civil rights, prison reform, fair immigration policy, sensible gun laws, lower college costs, protection of safety nets like Social Security, Medicare, food stamps. All of these Democrat positions are shared by the majority of Americans, but we somehow have trouble framing them so citizens understand. People are swayed by fear and untruths.

Moderate Republicans, you have lost your party to an amoral conman. Join Democrats this election and return our nation to one of humility, empathy, truth and fairness. Vote Democrat!

Diane Lindley
