Letter: Democrats’ ads will come back to haunt them

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I had to laugh when reading a letter sent recently about how many times the Republicans show ads for Mike Braun. The Democrat negative ads showing Mike in his blue shirt have been shown so much that his blue color is probably faded. Joe Donnelly, we now find out, has been lying all along about his family business from which he profits at least two years ago after claiming to have no part of the made-in-Mexico scenario which also uses items from China.</p><p><p>What a sham the Democrat ads have become and all the hatred toward the Republicans and the president will come back to haunt them. But of course it is almost Halloween so they will fit right in.</p><p><p><strong> Forrest Chambers</strong></p><p><p><strong>White River Township</strong></p>