Letter: Research vaccines, family history and wellness

<p><strong>Letter to the editor:</strong></p><p>This subject is near and dear to my heart. Please consider another viewpoint: Vaccines can be deadly to certain individuals and NOT worth the risk.</p><p>Both of my children had life-threatening reactions within hours of vaccinations. Our pediatrician reassured me that by using “adjusted” vaccines, it wouldn’t happen again. Trustingly, I consented as the schedule mandated….. one of the largest regrets of my life. Our lives consisted of convulsions, raging fevers, 18-hour screaming sessions and major hearing loss in my son. I became aware that this issue existed in my husband’s family. His sister began a week-long coma hours after shots.</p><p>In 1990, statistics showed that 1 in 1,312 children reacted in this manner to vaccines. Yet, our reality was ALL our children were severely affected by vaccine-sensitivity as is my husband’s family history. In desperation we went to countless doctors and specialists. Deleterious medicines were prescribed for six years by five specialists. At this point, we were paying $800 monthly for medications and took a second home mortgage to cover $30,000 of untouched medical debt. Do the math!</p><p>We had insurance, but that year vaccine issues were under “well baby care” and not covered. This was out of pocket. We were destroyed by fearing for their lives and extreme medical debt.</p><p>In addition, medical attitude towards our predicament was very degrading. The only treatment available was that given to autistic children. I was questioned as if I were abusing my children. When I refused vaccinations during subsequent check-ups I was bullied, threatened and intimidated. As frightening as this was, I was much more afraid of vaccines than the doctors.</p><p>After this six-year nightmare I sought help in holistic arenas. After four weeks of holistic treatment my son regained hearing and learned to speak at age six. Thanks to answered prayer and searching “outside the stethoscope,” our children are fully functioning, working adults. Not many can say that after vaccine injuries. I am beyond grateful!</p><p>Assuming that vaccines are the ONLY way to prevent disease is erroneous. Forcing vaccines on at-risk people is as deadly as the disease the shot is intended to prevent. Emergency medicine is amazing, but wellness accomplishments are poor at best. I will not risk my children to appease any system, school or medical, and consider a requirement to do so as child abuse.</p><p>Do not blindly vaccinate on demand nor reject vaccines and “cross your fingers and hope.” Everyone should research their family history, vaccine ingredients, side effects and available treatment should injury occur before making any decision. I certainly wish I had done so.</p><p>Know what you are choosing.</p><p>We have chosen effective, safer ways to protect our family. We don’t fear their exposure to others and visa-versa. They are not a threat to the public. Students of wellness understand why this statement is true. Do not punish children who are at risk. My children may never acquire the disease in question but are guaranteed the devastating results if vaccinated.</p><p>The FDA, pharmaceutical companies and medical systems make wonderful servants but terrible masters. Are they here to serve us or are we here to serve them?</p><p><p><strong>Mary Beth Arends</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>