Letter: Congress needs to save citizens from president

To the editor:

In my youth we used to joke about some leaders having a Napoleon complex. Today we are living out a nightmare where that is really happening.

Donald Trump is far off the rails not just morally, ethically and constitutionally, but is truly nuts. His ardent supporters are suffering belief blindness or are as nuts as he is. There is no excuse for the rest of supposedly responsible government leaders who choose to wear blinders or keep their heads stuck in the sand. Members of all political factions need to bury the hatchet and rescue this country from the destruction he is causing. There are no political winners in this situation but all Americans are becoming losers the longer he stays.

Our founders had hoped that a responsible Congress would counter the attempts of presidents to become kings. Real Americans have no use for kings no matter how they are sugarcoated. There are many congressional leaders that could do a responsible job as president. Pick one and stop the destruction while we try to do a better job of electing a president in 2020.

Congress needs to step up to the plate as a unified body on behalf of all of us.

Donald Smith
