Letter: Anti-Trump efforts make citizenry double down

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>“…wish to live in.” is how Franklin College professor David Carlson ends his latest diatribe on Dec. 20 (&quot;Future journalists show they are informed, curious, courageous&quot;) against President Trump, the best leader this nation has had in decades! I’d heard a rumor ‘dangling participles’ were OK in today’s writing. Either your copy editor agrees with that supposition or simply missed correcting a common grammar error.</p><p>Moving right along. (Yes, I know, a sentence fragment.) If journalists and TV networks would report fair and balanced national and international news, and not function as hyperpartisan mouthpieces of the Democrat party, there’d be less reason for David Carlson to be so upset with Donald Trump. Sure the president vilifies journalists who criticize what Carlson refers to as ‘missteps;’ wouldn’t you if the bully press was engaged in one-sided coverage of your actions in office? Same can be said regarding all but one of the TV networks.</p><p>I continue to be amazed how ‘revenge campaigners,’ Never Trumpers and deep states all seem oblivious to the mainstream American citizenry who elected President Trump into office. Don’t they realize, as they continue to engage in journalism-cum-commentator roles, reporting fake news, ‘we’ simply take note of it and redouble our efforts to bring these folk down, by boycotting their advertisers and voting for conservative candidates when given the opportunity?</p><p><p><strong>George Allen</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>