Letter: Big problems will continue until public rejects conservative propaganda

To the editor:

For most of the last 30 years, ordinary Americans have been living in a nightmare of declining quality of life carefully crafted by big money — corporations and billionaires. Big Money has demonized unions, liberals, Democrats and people on welfare while buying seats in the state and federal legislatures to twist regulations, taxes and subsidies to favor business at the expense of public health and safety as well as economically.

As Warren Buffet has commented, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The rich are now far ahead in the class warfare against ordinary people. They have now funded a mouthpiece that promises relief to the people while doing the opposite behind their backs. Donald Trump will disappear but the nightmare will continue until people quit swallowing the propaganda of big money spoken through the Republican party and conservatives.

The stock market, quarterly earnings, tax cuts and spending cuts do not benefit ordinary people. The Great Depression and the Great Recession taught us twice over that the motto, "What is good for General Motors is good for the country" is just plain wrong.

The monopoly of conservative Republicans needs to be brought to an end and balance restored at state and national governments. Only ordinary people can make that happen at the ballot box when they stop believing the snake oil salesmen.

Donald Smith
