Letter: Glaring errors in basic grammar, sentences unacceptable

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Does the Daily Journal have the freedom and/or the responsibility to edit articles provided by the Associated Press?</p><p>The Sports section article on Jan. 5 regarding the NFL All-Pro players made a glaring error twice in the same article. The headline read “Indianapolis guard left Nelson ….” Later in the article it reads “Colts guard left Quenton Nelson ……”. I wonder if he plays with the tackle left, the guard right, and the tackle right.</p><p>The obvious correction is ‘left guard Quenton Nelson’. I am constantly amazed at the errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and incorrect transformation of words — like this — appearing in print media these days. I guess I’m old school (77 years old), but to me those are basic things that you learn in elementary and secondary education — then refined by journalists in their college classes.</p><p>Furthermore, isn’t it one of the purposes of the editor to check the writer’s work?</p><p><p><strong>Ron Susemichel</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>