Letter: Remember Whiteland resident by helping others in need

To the editor:

On Jan. 8, Sidney Alvin "Al" Hankins died. He was struck by a car the weekend before as reported by the Daily Journal. Al lived across the street from me growing up in New Whiteland; I can’t remember not knowing him. We played together daily through early childhood.

Al’s family life presented challenges. His older siblings had talents and abilities which overcame those challenges, talents and abilities Al did not have or could not realize. He was inquisitive and social and kind. We were in the same grade in school, but since he was never encouraged to participate in sports or other activities, we were friends, but not close friends after grade school.

Al never seemed to find his niche until he got a job making pizzas at a small local shop. He excelled at the responsibility he was given.

Shortly after high school, while I was away at college, a motorcycle accident nearly killed him and left him almost blind and physically very challenged. He could not work or support himself. His older brother assisted him and provided organization and help as he could. His brother Rex "Hank" Hankins was Al’s greatest blessing.

Al became a local wanderer, known unkindly by some as "Staggering Al" and had a few minor brushes with the law, none violent or involving other people, all substance related as he did his best to cope.

The local community that knew him accepted him and helped him off and on. The Whiteland community has a long and admirable history of such acceptance and assistance of its challenged members. Jerry and Big John are names of a couple members.

No obituary is likely to be published for Al. He was intelligent and kind and friendly, never bitter over his challenged life and always grateful to those who helped. My thanks goes out to all who did.

Al Hankins was a friend of mine and a friend to others. Helping those who need it when you can is the love of Jesus Christ in action. Al gave us the opportunity and he can be remembered when those opportunities are available with others.

Kindest regards,

R. Lee Money
