Letter: Don’t let vocal minority take our rights

To the editor:

What is happening to many of our citizens who call themselves Americans, whether being born in this wonderful country or being naturalized, as I was many years ago?

It seems we have lost all respect and patience for one another, and our country. And faith and trust in God does not show in our actions, either. There is so much hate being expressed by so many of our fellow men. The voters who lost the election two years ago have become so bitter and disrespectful to our President and his policies, they shame themselves. Their words, actions and desires to change our laws expose their true goals, which is to change our way of life. Many politicians, and the media  for the most part, have turned their backs on the rights of citizens, even the right to live; wanting to take away many of the wonderful privileges that have been entrusted to us by our Constitution.

Those who believe that our way of life is wrong and that we need to change our thinking and laws to accommodate what is truly a Socialist/Communist government, (whereby the citizens are given what they need, told what to think, eat and drink, and at no cost) had better wake up and do some soul searching. Nothing in this life is free. You will pay by losing your freedom, your rights and your happiness in life. I know this because I have lived under this type of government.

I have never regretted the move to this country and always say the United States of America is the greatest country in the world. It breaks my heart to hear those who talk down our country, who want to break our laws, who would destroy our heritage. It is time for all who respect and appreciate our America to stand up and express their feelings. Don’t let those in the minority change what has made our America the greatest country on earth. It is time that we give our thanks to God for his blessings and pray that we continue to be guided by His will.

Albi Distler
