Letter: Faithful, pro-life supporters should examine other abuses against children

Pro-life supporters need to think of living children

To the editor:

Peter Jessen’s views in “Society on dangerous path in deeming which lives are worthy” (Daily Journal, March 4) were presented with genuine sincerity if not a bit heavy for some on the Bible thumping. Most would agree that life is indeed precious. And so are the freedoms and rights afforded in the Constitution. And for that reason the debate between pro-life and pro- choice supporters will never find common ground. For many pro-life supporters their argument rationale is purely faith-based while pro-choice supporters claim legal standing and inalienable rights. The debate will never end.

What is interesting however is how so many faith-based organizations and pro-lifers will staunchly cry out in defense of unborn children but so easily dismiss the need to stand up for the rights and safety of living children. How many infants, toddlers and children were pulled out of their mother’s arms and put in cages at this nation’s borders? Under the administration of a sitting president the pro-lifers so rejoiced at placing in office, innocent, defenseless children were terrorized because the vast majority of their parents were seeking asylum from brutality and oppression. What happened to evangelicals’ own savior instruction to “suffer the children to come unto me”? Because they’re here illegally, it’s OK to terrify children?

How many of the fervent evangelical and pro-life supporters stood up and forcibly decried these actions by Trump and his administration with their congressmen? Or did Trump’s little weak nod to the even weaker outcry from his evangelical base satisfy the dictates of their faith just enough to over-look abusing children for the sake of preserving a shot at adding another pro-life judge to the Supreme Court?

How many of the fervent evangelical and pro-life supporters stood up and forcibly decried Trump’s flat out support of white supremacists after one alt-right marcher deliberately drove a car into a crowd and killed another human being — another woman’s child? How many ignore that it was the same sick intolerant mindset of white supremacy that enabled one man to destroy literally millions of infants and children in concentration camps because they were of the wrong race and religion?

Yet the majority of fervent faithful and pro-lifers stand silently by, shoulder to shoulder in support of Trump with groups of people for whom a person’s skin color or particular faith is cause enough to hate and destroy them. The silence from pro-life supporters in protest to the rising tide of hatred and racism that has followed Trump into the White House through his supporters is deafening.

How many of the fervent faithful and pro-life supporters stood up and forcibly demanded sane gun control laws after watching our children slaughtered time and again in our schools? Or do they stand silently by, playing the same leveraging game with Trump to further their single purpose agenda as the NRA and gun enthusiasts do for Second Amendment rights at the expense of our children’s lives?

The “altar of blood” Mr. Jessen so dramatically mentions isn’t the only altar of shame being bowed before. There’s an altar of hypocrisy bathed in tears from countless numbers of living breathing children whose lives have been diminished, harmed or destroyed by intolerance, fear and racism that grows stronger daily in the Trump era. And one wonders how many of Trump’s fervent faithful pro-life supporters are obligated and on their knees before it due to supporting a man who panders to their most fervent desire simply to secure their vote and satisfy his own lust for power.

And since we’re Bible thumping here — doesn’t it also warn against following a false prophet?

Lisa Voiles
