Letter: Anger, hatred, suspicion have caused Americans to lose common ground

To the editor:

Russian President Putin has to be high-fiving his entire political intelligence group. They planted a seed intended to polarize America during the 2016 presidential campaign and it blossomed beyond their wildest expectations. In fact, it is blossoming anew now that the Mueller report is out. And why shouldn’t it? They planted it in very fertile ground; the current American political landscape. All that was necessary for the seed to flourish was for an under-educated American public to be insanely gullible — and we have been.

The Russians have us chasing our tails, trusting no one and fighting within our families. It doesn’t matter which side of the issues we are on at this point, either way we’ve been played and we’re in so deep now we wouldn’t know the truth if it were a white buffalo on Time Square. We can’t evaluate these events logically because far too many are operating on emotion. Anger, hatred and suspicion have us so polarized that we’ve willingly tossed out everything that binds us. Those that created this mess have us all dancing on strings to any tune they want to play.

Perhaps God could have save us but we kicked him out.

Mike Pflum
